Saturday, March 7, 2009

Self Portraits

Can you imagine the glee? A toddler finding a digital camera within arms reach, turning it on and seeing blinding lights come out of it. No adult is watching or saying no no no... Pinkie got the love of self portraits from her Tia Shanna. Tia Shanna demands that on every outing late at night (usually with drinks involved) that all peeps take a self portrait of themselves, it cannot be deleted for a second attempt. I hate them! Pinkie already loves them.
Please excuse the boogers :)
Life's little pleasures when you are a toddler seems pretty reasonable. Then a mommy ruins it by making you learn about good dental hygiene.

1 comment:

Chelsie said...

i got a blogspot!
now i can leave you comments :)
loving the self portraits w/boogies..its precious