Monday, May 3, 2010

an open letter...

Dear Women, Ladies, Nose-y people, *** I want to have this baby as soon as possible. Who wouldn't when you are a giant 39 weeks pregnant with cankles and a bad mood? I am carrying this baby- I can feel him kick, move and I know if he has dropped into position (engaged). This is my 2nd child and I know what a contraction is and what labor is like. I'm not 'holding' him in. Yes, my bags are ready. *** I DO NOT want you to touch me. I DO NOT want to hear your awful labor story or how your firstborn reacted poorly to the new baby. I DO NOT want to know that you think the baby hasn't dropped and I have 1o more days. I DO NOT want to hear that the baby is in the right position and will be born by the next moon cycle. *** I just plain don't want your opinion. I don't know you. You don't know me. So, please, dear manicurist, barrista and random lady in store: keep the words to yourself, keep your hands to yourself and stop staring. *** I feel better now. Love, Ashley


McDorky said...

Lol. Great post :)

Heidi said...

3 months from today I am going to borrow your post! Love it...and you should have seen the ladies face when she reached out and rubbed my belly and then I rubbed hers in return...PRICELESS!