not my shower :(
I shall tell you a story about a Seester and a shower...
I have a twin seester named Shanna; she lives in San Diego, is going to RN/NP school.
During our years of sharing a bathroom (2 sinks, 1 toilet, 1 shower) she was always forced to take the first shower of the morning. By forced I mean I refused to get out of bed so unless she wanted to rush through the getting ready/beautifying process she had to shower first.
You make ask: why is showering first so bad???
Reason #1: the heating didn't really work in our end of the house so it was always freezing.
Reason #2: the water took forever to heat up.
Reason #3: you had to get up earlier.
Reason #4: it meant you seester got to sleep in and she was so dang stubborn.
So on this post I send my undying love to my flexible, clean seester in San Diego.
Now in my house I am the first showerer in the wee hours of the morning. My husband is the lazy one pretending not to hear the alarm or my sleepy groans of 'you go first'.
I feel your pain. I'm sorry for the lack of sleep and agony I caused you each morning.
Deep love and thanks from Seester