For example, why are there so many shows about death on tv these days? Or how come my right middle toe is longer than my left middle toe? Or even, I think I can make out a smiley face in the texture on my ceiling...
I also reflected on many of the things that bring me joy while I am laid up... hopefully ending today!
So I sumbit a celebration of 4 things that make me happy right now:
1. Heating Pads- I have one electric and 2 rice bags for the microwave. I've developed specific placement for all 3 that maximize relief. It's odd, but effective.
"if Costco has it, we want it". Costco has provided hours of fun for our family on Sunday's after church as well as the necessary supplies of a new family- diapers and formula. How I miss walking your aisles...
4. Feeling my baby boy kick- he is really really strong!