I spent the whole summer with Pinkie and my sewing machine. We three made many a fun thing. I am particularly proud because I am self taught (aka. lots of seam ripping). I decided to find out how many sewing projects I completed this summer. Here is the count:
1. "Easy as a Cinch" backpack- we keep it in the car with quiet church toys. I actually made two, one for Pinkie and one for her cousin. {from Make it and Love it}
2. Grocery Bag holder- I was constantly vexed by the mess underneath my kitchen sink. I made this and it has solved my anger issues. No picture, but I used really hippy fabric and it looks, well... hippy. {from Make it and Love it}
3. a felt make-up bag for my seester. I forgot to take a picture, but it was FUNKY and cute- limes, lemons and buttons. I dig it.
4. Then came the dino-riffic tunic and pants for Pinkie. I used my own pattern- that's a big deal to beginner sewers. {pictured at bottom}
5. My biggest project to date was a Maxi Dress I made out of satin. I was meant for me! BUT I mis-measured and so it goes to my seester. It was gorgeous and I really did an incredible job. I used a very detailed pattern. Just cutting the pattern and fabric took 4 hours!
6. Then I was so sad the Maxi Dress didn't fit me I made myself a Maxi Dress / MuMu. It didn't turn out like I envisioned, but it's pretty comfy and cool. I might take it apart and use the fabric for something else when the weather turns cool...
7. 3 Reusable Grocery Bags- I made these from an old shower curtain. They are huge and roomy. They have turned out to be invaluable. I do realize you can buy them for $1-, but re-purposing is a good thing.
8. My favorite project turned out to be the Car Toy Tote- I am always annoyed by the crayons, dolls, tiaras, plastic zoo animals rolling around my car. So, this tote is the perfect solution. {shown at top from Make it and Love it}
9. Refashioned T-shirt dress- tutorials for this are all over the internet. I took a $1- t-shirt from the Dollar Store and made Pinkie a dress. It has ruflles along the neck line in front with lime green buttons and two darts in the back anchored by a lime green button. I think it turned out way cuter than a plain ol' t-shirt. {inspriration from luvinthemommyhood }
10. My last projects of the official summer were Cloth Baby Rings and a Bottle/Sippy Leash for our new, crazy cute niece. {from Make it and Love it} Hooray! for sewing moms and beginner crafters!