Sunday, August 30, 2009

summer craft roundup

I spent the whole summer with Pinkie and my sewing machine. We three made many a fun thing. I am particularly proud because I am self taught (aka. lots of seam ripping). I decided to find out how many sewing projects I completed this summer. Here is the count:
1. "Easy as a Cinch" backpack- we keep it in the car with quiet church toys. I actually made two, one for Pinkie and one for her cousin. {from Make it and Love it}
2. Grocery Bag holder- I was constantly vexed by the mess underneath my kitchen sink. I made this and it has solved my anger issues. No picture, but I used really hippy fabric and it looks, well... hippy. {from Make it and Love it}
3. a felt make-up bag for my seester. I forgot to take a picture, but it was FUNKY and cute- limes, lemons and buttons. I dig it.
4. Then came the dino-riffic tunic and pants for Pinkie. I used my own pattern- that's a big deal to beginner sewers. {pictured at bottom}
5. My biggest project to date was a Maxi Dress I made out of satin. I was meant for me! BUT I mis-measured and so it goes to my seester. It was gorgeous and I really did an incredible job. I used a very detailed pattern. Just cutting the pattern and fabric took 4 hours!
6. Then I was so sad the Maxi Dress didn't fit me I made myself a Maxi Dress / MuMu. It didn't turn out like I envisioned, but it's pretty comfy and cool. I might take it apart and use the fabric for something else when the weather turns cool...
7. 3 Reusable Grocery Bags- I made these from an old shower curtain. They are huge and roomy. They have turned out to be invaluable. I do realize you can buy them for $1-, but re-purposing is a good thing.
8. My favorite project turned out to be the Car Toy Tote- I am always annoyed by the crayons, dolls, tiaras, plastic zoo animals rolling around my car. So, this tote is the perfect solution. {shown at top from Make it and Love it}
9. Refashioned T-shirt dress- tutorials for this are all over the internet. I took a $1- t-shirt from the Dollar Store and made Pinkie a dress. It has ruflles along the neck line in front with lime green buttons and two darts in the back anchored by a lime green button. I think it turned out way cuter than a plain ol' t-shirt. {inspriration from luvinthemommyhood }
10. My last projects of the official summer were Cloth Baby Rings and a Bottle/Sippy Leash for our new, crazy cute niece. {from Make it and Love it} Hooray! for sewing moms and beginner crafters!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dinosaur basics

My first bit of planning as a new teacher needs to combine assessment, learning, fun and prove to these kids that I'm like-able, interesting and knowledgeable. Because of the nature of the job, my students do not take regular tests or grouped into ability groups or in a specific 'grade' determined by 'age'.
I've been spending every waking moment thinking about planning, planning and brainstorming. I'm thinking a DINOSAUR project is the way to go. I'm big on project based learning and here is my forum. Basically I want dinosaur reading, writing, math and science. I'm going for major fun factor and multiple ways to interact. Here's what I have so far... Ideas wanted... Dinosaur books Dinosaur coloring pages Dinosaur diagrams- label the parts (claws, arms, eyes, etc) Matching card game (pictures or pictures and names) Dinosaur puzzle Dinosaur plastic toys Dinosaur writing- If I were a dinosaur... Dinosaur design- My own dinosaur... Do you think dinosaurs are universally interesting??? I know my teacher friends read this, so more ideas please!!! :)

Friday, August 14, 2009


i gotta breathe...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I lost my mind for awhile...

We've been BUSssssY.
It's supposed to be 'summer' which for teachers means sleeping in and relaxing, lunching with those who still must take lunch breaks. But, for me (with no job, yet) it's filled with applications, crafting to get away from applications and entertaining a very feisty toddler.
See Exhibit #1 above: National Family Night out, Pinkie got her face painted as a pink kitty. It was outstanding. I've never seen such amazing face painting. Then came the pizza, the cake, the soda, the popcorn...
Then when all other distraction methods fail, see Exhibit #2: high heels. Open the closet door and let Pinkie play with all my high heels. I have quite the selection but not many occasions to wear them these days. I am planning a real date night soon, so... Exhibit #3: For some reason I like to pack my weeks full of tutoring, applying, beginner crafting and keeping up with housework that has been delayed 10 or so months... so we needed a day of summer vacation to the beach. Sand can keep toddlers happy forever and they don't care if their chips are gritty.
And finally, Exhibit #4: this requires background... on July 26th I lost my keys- car keys, house keys, mail key. I don't often lose things so I was naturally perturbed. Luckily we had John's keys, so an extra key the van, share the house key. But then, on August 3rd (still can't find my own keys) I was on my way to a job interview (didn't get the job). I was prim and proper and appropriately flustered. So then I DROPPED HIS KEYS IN THE SEWER! I called him crying, borrowed my seester's car and off I went. The car dealership said the key wouldn't work once it had been submerged in water for 6 hours (till John got home- because I wasn't going in!) and why don't we come on it and pay $300 for a new key...PSYCH...
Not my spend thrift husband- he jumped in the sewer where he could 'feel things rubbing against his legs' and got our key!
After I lost my mind and got it back again- I found my keys at Target...
And now we aren't doing anything during the days and are actually relaxing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Oh my Oprah

Late last week Oprah had some celebrity chefs on her show. There were some moms who needed help making healthy, quick meals. A realistic problem many people face. I'm lucky because I love to cook. I don't love to plan though. Being a budget conscious family, I must plan out detailed weekly meals. We do 10 meals for 14 days- two meals out and two nights of leftovers. Important factors: I rarely cook the same thing twice, I'm still a fairly successful vegetarian married to a dedicated meat lover, we have a two year old on a white carbohydrate only diet. So, after watching bits of pieces of this episode I decided to go online and look it up later. What I found was a complete 7 day, 21 meal plan and grocery list. I decided to take what I call the Cat Cora Challenge and follow her menu- to make my life easier and have a little piece of Oprah in my life :)
{pictures from}
Dinner #1- Greek Cinnamon Stewed Chicken with Blanched Greens
My thoughts- This meal was simple and delicious. After I made the sauce and added the chicken back in to the stew, I tossed in cubed tofu. It is so nice to eat new foods and flavors. Cheap, too.
Dinner #2- Southwestern Tuna Casserole
My thoughts- This really perked up Tune Casserole for me. I am kind of naturally against the traditional casserole because my family never ate them. But, this was spicy and interesting. My husband loved it. I did add an extra can of tuna for more protein. Very cheap also.
I'm so excited to try all these new foods and, sadly, so happy to be apart of something 'Oprah'. I do love her so. 5 more meals to make- I'll let you know how it goes.