Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Spring Skirt...

My seester, Shanna, went to Africa with her Nursing School Program late last year. She brought me back this awesome fabric (because she's awesome and knows one day I'd like to be an awesome seamstress). I've been saving it for the 'perfect' project so as not to waste beautiful fabric that had traveled so far.
During craft night with the PsychMom I decided to make a skirt using a pattern of hers. It is a pretty simple pattern and A-line skirt once you tackle the zipper part. I love that it is 'teacher' long, a little high on the tummy to make you look smooth and it is lined so no slip necessary. Hooray!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

at some point...

You realize you are a Push Over Mom...

Pinkie sleeps with 8 stuffed/soft things each day and night.

She says, 'momma, wherez bear? get it peeaz.'

and so on and so on till we have all 8 lovey things.

Her needed loveys are as dictated below:

Mickey stuffed animal

Mickey fleece blanket

Mickey pillow

White silky blanket

Big bear

Little bear

NaNa (the lamb)

Baby (that pees when you push her tummy)

I realized this morning as I walked in to get her up, I am that mom- the mom that gives in for the word 'peeaz' and a cute, sleep filled face.

I also realize this flies in the face of the SIDS rule, but isn't that just for little babes, anyways?

I promise to work on my giving in and limiting the sleepy time toys to maybe 5???

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break Awesomeness

One of my major excitements about Spring Break was that I get to sew again, make some cool crafts and just be creative (not writing papers or lesson plans).
My first project was a smock that I make Pinkie. Her favorite past time is 'tay-dough' and I'm tired of picking neon pink out of her clothes. I found this tutorial here. I have a ton of this white with blue polka dot and blue with white polka dot fabric. So, I made Pinkie a dress (minus the long sleeve underneath). I'm so excited to see her wearing dresses and bows. I am so proud because I MADE MY OWN PATTERN. Really, I am a new-bee seamstress so I just kept sketching and measuring. Next on my list is this. ***Update: yesterday we had 12 made it to the potty and only 3 misses!!! Hooray for toddlers who like the potty!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 3...

We are on day 3 of potty training. I believe the book said it should be done by now... but I've always had my doubts in these super fast potty training books. We are housebound, downstairs, naked (Pinkie, not me!) and bored! 'Tay-dough' has been our saving grace- 5 colors and cookie cutters of every possible animal. Ugh, how many more days? Admittedly we are not following the directions exactly. We had to put a diaper on to go to church yesterday and ran a few more errands. She's sleeping with diapers on. The amount of juice and water we are shoving into her would cause all kinds of disaster in bed. So, yesterday we were shooting around 50%. Today we are 1 for 1 so far.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


3 years ago at 4:30pm I married a fabulous man, a humble and loving man.
In Kauai, Hawaii our life started and we're still running with the love.
Thanks to all who made that awesome day 3 years ago and the fun tonight possible.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Craft for the budget weary...

Recycling Candles from Chickens in the First, you have to gather old candles that have burned too far down to light again. Or if you are like me, I am not a fan of pillar candles. I like candles to be contained in a jar of some sort. So, I cut up my pillar candles too. (the purple ones were actually at my wedding 3 years ago...) Second, I scraped out any jar candles that I had. You have to get rid of the wick and the metal piece at the bottom. I also cut up my pillar candles into small pieces. If your candle has designs like the pink leaf above, you have to scrap off the design. But that is very simple. It all is really simple!
Then, I melted all the wax in an old pot on low. My gas range goes from 1 to 8 and I was using a 3. You don't want it to boil or anything, just slowly melt. Meantime, I had cleaned out the old candle jars (or you could use old jelly jars). I bought the wicks and the metal pieces at a craft store (only $4.98).
You can pour a little wax into the container then push the metal piece with the wick into the wax to hold it still while you fill the container. I did not do that on the first one, the jar on the left, so the wick kind of floated. I'm not sure if this will be a problem...
For the one on the right, I put two wicks into it. I used pencils to hold the wicks straight up.
The scents blended nicely- I usually choose light scents anyways. They are hardening right now and I can't wait to light them!
I don't have to buy new candles and my house can still smell better. This satisfied my crafty desires and didn't cost much money.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Self Portraits

Can you imagine the glee? A toddler finding a digital camera within arms reach, turning it on and seeing blinding lights come out of it. No adult is watching or saying no no no... Pinkie got the love of self portraits from her Tia Shanna. Tia Shanna demands that on every outing late at night (usually with drinks involved) that all peeps take a self portrait of themselves, it cannot be deleted for a second attempt. I hate them! Pinkie already loves them.
Please excuse the boogers :)
Life's little pleasures when you are a toddler seems pretty reasonable. Then a mommy ruins it by making you learn about good dental hygiene.