I love coffee. I love coffee like some women love shoes, purses, make up and chocolate. I love it so much I'd give up all those above to have more coffee. My favorite coffee is from the Human Bean right down the street. They know my car and my drink.
'Hey, how are you? The White Mocha, fat free, no whip, right?'
Yes, kind lady- thank you for delivering all my dreams.
Hello, my name is Ashley and I have a problem. I got $30+ in gift cards to coffee places for my birthday. IT'S ALL GONE. I can't breathe, I'm so sad. Sad, sad, sad, sad...
Now, I am forced to drink plain ol' coffee that I have to make myself- no sugary syrup goodness, no frothy milk... ugh, what has life come to?
Doesn't anyone feel sorry for me? John doesn't. Anyone, help, anyone?