Thursday, May 29, 2008


One year ago today my angel baby was born at 10:56am. Our lives have been wonderfully, blissfully changed by Pinkie. I am very emotional today- happy and sad. Big changes are coming up for our family. All I can think is: do I remember everything, all the milestones, smiles, smells, accidents, tears and troubles?
I want to savor and remember every moment with Pinkie.
Was I grateful and in the moment every moment of this last year?

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Pinkie turns ONE in 5 days... we are in major party planning mode. Of course, Pinkie's Dad says, "she won't even remember this, why all the fuss?" But, I say, "I'll remember when I'm old and gray." But, unfortunately, of course in Oregon at the end of May, it probably will rain on Thursday afternoon and we'll have to scramble to find another place to host 30 people and 2 bbq grills... yes, that is bitterness at nature you read.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Inspiration for Eliza...

just breathe. take a moment and relax... it will be alright.
we wanted babies not teenagers, right?

I'm a square...

I'm a square type of gal apparently. I decided my stark white staircase needed something. some pizazz? some color? some creative touch? SQUARES!!! it needed squares. so here are my squares in progress. pinkie's dad said, "wow, squares. i guess if you don't like it we can just paint it back to white..." for now, i'm digging the sqares. what do you think?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back at the Blog...

so i was bored with the other blog, no one read it- except my sister and Alie. i took a blog-cation and realized i missed sharing my little part with a bigger part. so i'm BACK! if not for the world, just for me...